BROKE Film Screening, May 16th

SBCAN will be co-sponsoring a forum this TUESDAYMay 16, beginning with the screening of a 56 minute documentary film by Gail Osherenko, BROKE: THE SANTA BARBARA OIL PIPELINE SPILL OF 2015, followed by a panel discussion of three applications by Pacific Pipeline Corp. (the current owner of the pipeline) and efforts to restart Exxon's platforms off the Gaviota Coast. 
On April 26, the Santa Barbara Planning Commission rejected--on a 3-2 vote--the pipeline company's application to install 16 new automated safety valves. The applicants are likely to appeal that decision to the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.
The forum will be held from noon to 2pm at Direct Relief Headquarters, 6100 Wallace -Becknell Road, Santa Barbara. Bring your brown bag lunch and a reusable cup or bottle for water.
Confirmed panelists include:
- John Zorovich, Deputy Director, SB County Planning & Development Department
- Linda Krop, Chief Counsel, Environmental Defense Center (EDC)
- Ana Citron, Attorney for the Gaviota Coast Conservancy (GCC)
- League board member Claire Van Blaricum will moderate.
- A representative from Exxon has been invited to join the panel but is not yet confirmed.
View the film trailer here
One of the permit applications would authorize Plains to transfer ownership of the pipeline to Exxon. Exxon plans to transfer the pipeline to a company that has stated that it plans to reopen the pipeline. That permit has been approved by the Planning Director, but the decision has been appealed by the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) on behalf of Get Oil Out! (GOO!) and Santa Barbara Community Action Network (SBCAN). Another application is for a smaller diameter replacement pipeline, and the third is for adding safety valves to the still damaged and severely corroded pipelines 901 and 903.
The League of Women Voter's Sustainable Communities Committee is sponsoring the forum, along with SBCAN, Gaviota Coast Conservancy and EDC.