Climate Strikes in SM & SB on Friday!

Hi Friend --

There are two climate strikes on Friday: one in Santa Barbara, one in Santa Maria.

We encourage you to attend one close to you.


Message from Ana Rosa Rizo-Centino
Senior Organizer
Food & Water Action and Food & Water Watch
[email protected]

Youth around the world are striking for climate justice — and we'll be marching with them in solidarity in Santa Barbara on September 27.

We're taking it to the streets of Santa Barbara to prove that together we're more powerful than the fossil fuel interests trying to stand in our way!

Will you strike with us at De La Guerra Plaza on Friday, September 27?

Brooklyn, NY Students Climate Walkout

What: Climate Strike Santa Barbara
When: Friday, September 27, Noon - 2:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall - De La Guerra Plaza, Santa Barbara, CA

We will begin with a rally in front of City Hall (De La Guerra Plaza) starting at Noon, followed by a march through the streets of Santa Barbara.

Stop by the Food & Water Action table for signs and t-shirts (while they last!)


Please email me using the email address below with any related questions or accessibility concerns.

I hope to see you there!

Ana Rosa Rizo-Centino
[email protected]


A message from Food & Water Watch and Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley:

Join in the CLIMATE STRIKE ...

Did you see the news?? The Student-led CLIMATE STRIKES on Friday, September 20, were a HUGE SUCCESS!!! And the strikes, marches, and protests continue!! THERE WILL BE A LOCAL EVENT IN SANTA MARIA!!

Please, share the flyer below with all your friends and neighbors, and plan to attend the SANTA MARIA CLIMATE STRIKE!!! 


(Either link is fine. They are working in conjunction with each other. Type in your zip code for a list of several nearby events, including one in Santa Maria! RSVP is not required, but it will be helpful, especially in keeping you informed of future events!)