Dolores Huerta keynote speaker at virtual Women’s March SMV & SB 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23

SBCAN is forwarding this message from the Women’s March executive committee:

Dolores Huerta is the keynote speaker at Women’s March Santa Maria Valley and Santa Barbara joint virtual event: "We lead. We heal. We transform."


This year’s event features speakers and artists from throughout Santa Barbara County, including

• Former California State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson

• Santa Barbara County Supervisor Joan Hartmann

• Santa Barbara Public Health Director Dr. Van Do-Reynoso

• Santa Maria City Councilmember Gloria Soto and

• Former Santa Barbara Poet Laureate Sojourner Kincaid Rolle

Dolores Huerta, President and Founder of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers of America with Cesar Chavez, a labor leader and community organizer, has worked for civil rights and social justice for over 50 years.

In 1962 she and Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers union, serving as Vice-President and playing a critical role in many of the union’s accomplishments over four decades.

In 2002, she established the Dolores Huerta Foundation, connecting groundbreaking community-based organizing to state and national movements to register and educate voters, advocate for education reform, bring about infrastructure improvements in low-income communities, advocate for greater equality for the LGBT community, and create strong leadership development.

This year, for the first time, Women’s March Santa Maria Valley and Women’s March Santa Barbara will join together in presenting a virtual recognition of women’s leadership in response to a year of crisis. As 2020 brought multiple challenges, women took the lead in helping local communities heal and transform.

The event will be livestreamed on Facebook (@WOMENSMARCHSMV), Saturday, January 23, beginning at 3 p.m. Spanish, Mixteco, and American Sign Language interpretation will be available at

For more information, email [email protected], or,, and Instagram @WomensMarchSMV.

Media Contacts: Santa Maria: For English, Pam Gates, 805-268-4400, [email protected]; For Spanish, Ivette Peralta, 805-448-9429, [email protected]

Santa Barbara: Michal Lynch, 805-895-4885, [email protected]