Support Farmworkers Strike!

Since Monday, May 2nd, farmworkers in Santa Maria have been striking to demand fair pay for their labor. With Day 3 of the strike well under way, farmworkers need our support now more than ever. Read on to see their demands and how you can support. 

100+ indigenous farmworkers for J&G Berry Farms (Rocha Farms) in Santa Maria, CA are determined to continue their struggle for Just wages! Their demand - $3.50 for each strawberry box picked, against a currently unlivable price of $2.10 - comes under working conditions that includes wage theft, body-wracking labor, and exposure to pesticides and other toxins.

Most of these workers are from indigenous undocumented backgrounds, and, being unable to speak English, are subject to language-based intimidation from management, further intensifying their conditions of exploitation. Despite this, these workers dared to struggle for their dignity, many striking for the first time in their lives.

The strike began on May 2nd 2022, with workers walking off the strawberry fields and autonomously organizing against the paltry pay provided by the bosses. With management refusing to meet their demands, workers walked across fields, recruiting fellow farmworkers - the strike is spreading!

Ways to support: 
1. Call the owner (Jose Rocha: 831-750-9408) and demand he negotiate with workers and give them $3.50 per box of berries.
2. Show up in person to stand with workers! Morale is dropping as the strike drags on, we want workers to know they have their community backing them! (720 Rosemary Rd, Santa Maria, CA)
3. Bring them food and water or donate funds 
4. Boycott the company! Do not purchase products from  California Giant Berry Farms, which are sold at these stores
5. Sign this petition in solidarity! 
6. Spread the word! Tell your friends and family and encourage them to support the striking farmworkers.