NC Roundtable Topics on Thursday, Oct 12: NC commuting, SM General Plan and SM River initiative

At the next North County Roundtable, we have three presentations regarding commuting, the Santa Maria General Plan, and the Santa Maria River Healthy Watershed Initiative.

Mike Becker, Director of Planning for the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, will present SBCAG's analysis of where people are commuting from and to, and how it relates to the jobs-housing imbalance. 

Mike also presented at the South County Roundtable with an emphasis on commuting; this time he will focus more on North County commute patterns. Mike will also provide background on SBCAG's role in Regional Housing Needs Allocations and how they relate to SBCAG's Sustainable Communities Strategy.

SBCAN North County Roundtable
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Via Zoom - email [email protected] for a registration link


  1. Call to Order Introductions; Agenda Review
  2. SBCAG's Commuter and RHNA Analysis - Mike Becker
  3. S.M. General Plan - Ken Hough
  4. S.M. River Healthy Watershed Initiative - Jeanne Sparks
  5. Updates from members - please let us know if you have items you'd like to see added to the agenda
  6. Our regular NCRT meetings are on the second Thursday at 5 p.m. via Zoom

Hope to see you Thursday!